About the fund
Ukraine and its population hold an enormous untapped potential and a fantastic cultural and social heritage.
The Village Development Fund was established to support, promote and realize this potential.
Our vision is that the people in the villages shall live under no worse conditions than their rural people in Europe. Therefore we work according to best practices and European principles for transparency, rule of law and accountability.
The rapid growth of the agricultural sector benefits the villages, but at the same time we see a rapid urbanization where are people leaving the country side and moving to the big cities. In a near future there will be very little people left to cultivate the land and many villages can be abandoned and turned into ghost towns. We are convinced that this development can be halted and turned around provided that the people in the villages are given a fair chance and decent conditions for living. All our activities revolve just around this and are captured in our four pillars; sustainability, responsibility, education and social welfare.
Many of these issues are out of scope for the private sector. The Village Development Fund works here as a bridge for the private sector providing the opportunities for companies to take full social responsibility for the rural communities in a transparent and reliable way.